workshops &


Various training courses are available both online, virtual, and in-person.

Some of the listed courses are similar but may provide more agriculture specific examples and information while others give a more general overview.

View the course descriptions below and see which course(s) may be more suited to you and your experience.

Depending on where you are on the mental health continuum, your farming experience, your personal communication and learning style, the course(s) you choose may be different than that of your neighbor.

There may be a course fee associated with each course and may differ depending on the provider.

Complete the contact us form to request your training today or click the course title to learn more.

Red Cross - Psychological First Aid Courses


Learn the effects of stress, loss, and trauma with emphasis on building a personal self-care plan. Learn ways to prevent, recognize, and cope with stress. Self-directed, learn at your own pace by navigating the course material independently online.

Caring for Others

Learn the effects of stress, loss, and trauma with emphasis on building a personal self-care plan. Learn ways to prevent, recognize, and cope with stress. Self-directed, learn at your own pace by navigating the course material independently online.

St John Ambulance

Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace

A one-day in-class course offered by St John Ambulance designed to help workers recognize when a coworker, employer, or contractor may be having trouble with mental wellness or is in distress on the farm.  

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support given to a person who may be having difficulty with their own mental health or in a mental health crisis. 

This course provides the participant with the tools and resources to recognize the signs and symptoms of someone having difficulty with their mental health or having a mental health crisis, start a conversation with them to provide support until appropriate professional help is provided or the crisis is resolved.  Choose the version that is right for you.

The skills and knowledge participants will learn may be used to help themselves, a family member, a coworker, a friend, a community member, etc. to improve mental health literacy and reduce stigma.

A 5-hour mental health literacy workshop developed by farmers for farmers to provide an overview of stress, anxiety, depression, acute trauma, substance use, and suicide. Learn to identify the signs and symptoms of those in distress, have the confidence to start a conversation about mental health, and provide ways to support mental health specifically for those in the agriculture industry.  Information, scenarios, and examples used in training are based on the agriculture industry. The workshop was developed in response to the first National Farmers Mental Health Survey.  The results of the second national survey, 2021 Survey of Farmer Mental Health in Canada have been released and due to the COVID 19 pandemic, mental health in agriculture is declining and training like this course is essential.

Centre for Suicide Prevention

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day workshop available through the Center for Suicide Prevention that focuses on suicide first aid.  Participants will learn to recognize when someone may be having thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan to support their immediate safety.  This workshop gives participants the confidence to feel ready, willing, and able to help someone who may be considering suicide.

The Agriculture and Suicide Fact Sheet (French) reinforces the importance of the ASIST program to support the farming community.

“Certain factors can place some people at a higher risk for suicide than others, and when multiple risk factors outweigh the factors that build resiliency, there is an increased likelihood that a person may think about suicide (Sharam et al., 2021). ”

Do More Ag Workshop
Talk. Ask. Listen

Talk Ask Listen is a half day interactive workshop intended for the agriculture industry.

Participants will have a greater understanding of mental health using the three pillars of talk, ask, and listen.  Participants will learn signs and symptoms of mental illness, anxiety, depression, stress, and substance use; how to provide support; learn how to start the conversation; how to support themselves; how to access resources and self-care; and prevention strategies. 

Even though like mental health first aid, this workshop was created by farmers for farmers.

Do More Community Fund

The Community Fund for Mental Health education is proudly presented by Farm Credit Canada and supported by every Do More Ag partner and many local businesses! The Fund was created to provide agriculture communities across Canada with access to mental health education and literacy at no cost.  It is important that agriculture communities across Canada begin learning the tools to begin supporting ourselves and one another through not only a mental health crisis but also mental wellbeing. The three community workshops available through the community fund are Talk. Ask. Listen, Mental Health First Aid, and In the Know.  Visit the website to keep an eye out for when applications are open to apply for the community fund to bring training to your community.

National Farmer Mental Health Alliance

The National Farmer Mental Health Alliance was co-founded by Lauren Van Ewyk and was established to provide mental health services and training to the farming community. Like Lauren, the team who delivers the workshops are psychotherapists and life coaches with lived agriculture experience.  They understand the challenges of the framing industry and want you to have access to mental health services without the barriers of mental health professionals who do not understand where you are coming from. A variety of workshops are available to include topics such as resilience, succession, flourishing, women in ag, finding hope, taking it all on, finding healing, cultivating self-compassion, basic stress management.