
Experiencing mild to moderate signs and symptoms of distress

tools and resources

Explore the following tools and resources if you are experiencing mild to moderate signs and symptoms of distress.  Some of these resources are interchangeable with the resources available under farm. Talk it out.

Use the Canadian Center for Health & Safety in Agriculture Farming and Mental Health Stress Inventory Assessment to evaluate the level of stress on the farm. Read the statements and rate them from 1 to 5 to determine your level of stress.  Use this information to determine next steps.  This tool is aimed to evaluate all farmers in all commodities however, the resources provided on the last page are for the Saskatchewan farming community.  Use the resources found on this website to ask questions or reach out for help.  English Only. PDF Document

A guidance document for farmers mental health during an agriculture crisis through the lens of prevention, intervention, and recovery.  This document is intended to help the farming community through agriculture crisis and disasters.  It is 11-pages and uses attractive graphics to deliver the information in the emergency response model. PDF document

The Canadian Agriculture Safety Association (CASA) provided an information series on framer wellness through the Building Wellness on the Farm series as part of the Canadian Agriculture Safety Week of 2019.  The following two articles are timeless relatable resources in understanding stress on the farm and some coping mechanisms to use to manage stress.

Living-With-Stress-PDF document

Living with Stress

Stress_on_the_Farm – PDF document

Difficult Times: Stress on the Farm

In Canada, producers (farmers and ranchers) are especially prone to mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety, and they may have less resiliency because of the stressors they experience (Jones-Bitton et al., 2020). While much of the research on resiliency focuses on farmers specifically, some of the factors farmers face are similar to what other producers may face.

Click the link to this resource to learn why farmers are higher risk, what can reduce risk and suicide among farmers, how communities can help and how farmers can stay mentally healthy.

Learning of other farmers experiences through stories.  Connecting to the farming community and engaging in relatable anecdotes that may challenge farm life, learning how to cope, and knowing you are not alone can be therapy in its’ own.

Read and/or listen to Lesley’s stories from the prairies and take what you can from them and apply to your farming life here in New Brunswick.  You may laugh a little too and we know, laughter is the best medicine.  

An online resource designed to support mental wellness to include online programs, information, and resources for youth and adults. 

Select your province to start navigating.  You can choose a pathway to adult resources or a pathway to youth resources.  The adult pathway is broken down into a service directory, knowledge centre, and get inspired as well as there is a mood meter.  The youth pathway also includes a service directory, info booth, and your space with a mood meter.

Podcast: Mind Your Farm Business Ep. 39: Making headway on mental health in agriculture

Host Shaun Haney talks to Dr. Andria Jones-Bitton, about a challenging topic — mental health, how it impacts farms across Canada, and what we can do to tackle it head-on. English Only

Podcast: A Farmer’s Journey Through Stress, Depression, Anxiety from The Impact Farming Show

Gerry Friesen discusses his journey with stress, depression, and anxiety.  Gerry shares his concept – healthy farmer, healthy farm. Learn how to identify early signs of depression and anxiety caused by stressors in the industry and life. English Only

There are many apps available for phones and tablets to explore your mental health and wellness.  There are apps for meditation, sleep, journaling, relaxation, tracking your moods, and activity.  Apps allow you to have these resources at your fingertips and typically the information remains current.  Below are a few apps that may pique your interest. 

DISCLAIMER:  The listed apps are only samples to explore, feel free to visit your app, android and/or google play store to search other available apps that may be more suited to your needs.   Some features within the app may be free and some features may require a purchase or subscription.

App: Avail provides a confidential system for producers to record and analyze their mental health. It also provides access to online resources and helps them to find and access to care providers in the communities.   English & French

App: Headspace – a meditation app. English & French

App: Daylio Journal – self-care journal, mood, and activity tracker app. English & French

App: Calm – an app for meditation and sleep. English & French

App: MoodTools – is an app designed to help you combat depression and alleviate your negative moods, aiding you on your road to recovery. English Only

App: TaoMix 2 (Apple and Google)- a relaxation, sleep sound and mediation app.  English & French

The following books are from reputable authors and organizations who have spent a great portion of their careers exploring mental health and wellness and providing engaging resources to learn more.

DISCLAIMER: The listed books are only samples to explore, feel free to visit your local or online bookstore to search for other books and authors that may be more suited to your lived experience.  Books/audio books may require a purchase.

Farm Credit Canada

Rooted In Strength

A resource giving an overview of mental health and wellness information specifically to Canadian farmers based on what they heard from you.

Rooted in Resilience

The second instalment of the mental health series, to include supporting mental health, being at your very best, and supporting family, friends, and community to be at their very best.

The Cure for Loneliness by Dr Bill Howatt  English Only.

In this powerful guide and workbook, renowned mental health expert and addictions counselor Dr Bill Howatt drills into the root causes of isolation and loneliness including the double-edged sword of digital technology and shows you how to conquer them to achieve a more fulfilling, enriching life.  This book is full of easy-to-use quizzes, check ins, and exploratory questions to evaluate you own sense of isolation and loneliness and how to move forward.  The last chapter of the book explores the employer’s key role in facilitating social connections.

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.”  Mother Teresa

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

When we dare to lead, we don’t pretend to have the right answers; we stay curious and ask the right questions. We don’t see power as finite and hoard it; we know that power becomes infinite when we share it with others. We don’t avoid difficult conversations and situations; we lean into vulnerability when it’s necessary to do good work. But daring leadership in a culture defined by scarcity, fear, and uncertainty requires skill-building around traits that are deeply and uniquely human. The irony is that we’re choosing not to invest in developing the hearts and minds of leaders at the exact same time as we’re scrambling to figure out what we have to offer that machines and AI can’t do better and faster. What can we do better? Empathy, connection, and courage, to start.  English Only.

The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown

Teachings of Authenticity, Connection, and Courage

This collection of teachings on authenticity, connection, and courage helps dispel the myth that vulnerability is weakness and reveals that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage. It offers both an invitation and a promise: When we dare to drop the armor that protects us from feeling vulnerable, we open ourselves to the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives.  English Only

Brene Brown has an assortment of books and podcasts available to dive a little bit deeper into courage, leadership, connection, trust, and work culture.  Visit Brene Brown‘s website to discover more audio and print books relating to courage, leadership, connection, trust, and work culture.

The Little Book of Minding Your Head – – PDF document

The Farm Safety Foundation is a UK based organization focusing on farm safety.  Included in this resource is The Little Book of Minding Your Head.  The book gives an overview of what mental health and mental illness mean, triggers and signs of mental ill health, stress and why it matters, coping with stress, fill your boot, depression and starting a conversation.  This booklet is specific to the agriculture industry, visually appealing, and a wealth of information.

Resources included in this book are specific to the UK, use the resources on the care page available to reach out for help.  English Only

"Farming is a profession of hope."

Brian Brett


Steve’s Story second generation farmer sharing his recognition he was struggling with mental health like his father.