farm talk care


Farm talk care packs are personal items that can help you destress on the farm. They can be kept on your person and used at any time.

farm talk care packs

Stress Ball

The stress ball can reduce stress, muscle tension, and anxiety, lower blood pressure, promote better sleep, improve concentration, and improve mood.

farm talk care card

The farm talk care card can be kept in your shirt pocket, in your wallet, or in the visor of a truck or tractor. The front of the card provides the information of this mental health campaign.  The back of the card includes a list of stress busters that may get you through your day.

Notebook & Pens

The notebook and pen can be used to journal throughout the day or while taking a break in the evening. The notebook is pocket size to be accessible at any time.  You may want to jot down your thoughts, how you are feeling, or goals you want to set.  The options are endless to support your wellness.

Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength-carrying two days at once. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.

Corrie Ten Boom